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Monday, May 23, 2011

Where do you ride?

My favorite rides are ones that offer scenic vistas. Anything pretty. Costal, mountainous, flat with row after row of grapevines, hilly and full of wildflowers. I could go on, but the point is visually pleasing. This is not always easy to find, especially if you live in a city.

Usually I walk out my front door, saddle up and start pedaling. I chose my route based on distance (I prefer a loop instead of out and back), difficulty (it's pretty hilly in these parts), and scenery. There a certain spots on my favorite routes that I can easily picture in my head: the Fort Rosecrans Cemetery and the boats in the harbor as I cross over a bridge are examples.

Sometimes when I am riding on a beautiful day and the sights seem particularly special, I think of other people I know who live in different places, and I wonder what they see on their daily rides. I feel like they would love my rides as much as I do.

If I were the sort of person to meditate, these are the images I would conjure. Just thinking about how I feel when I'm on one of these rides can bring my blood pressure down several points. Do you have images in your mind of your favorite rides? Where are they?

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