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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Everyday Riding

Sometimes, when I am not preparing for a an upcoming tour or specific organized ride, I loose some of my enthusiasm for riding. It becomes a little harder to find the time for the miles and easier to rationalize skipping a ride. It's not that I don't enjoy riding, but I lose my focus.

I try and combat this by allowing my weekly milage to dip occasionally, but not the frequency. I take shorter rides, but keep up the routine. I also find signing up for organized rides and setting goals helps.

I know from past experience that I am about to hit a hard stretch. When the time changes in a couple of weeks it is going to be even harder for me to fit rides in before dark. I will not be able to push the start back because it will start getting dark too soon. I am hoping to firm up my resolve and make enough commitments so that I will be forced to get started riding early, often, and far.

Ride On!

Saturday, October 15, 2011 - Are you a member?

If you are a bike tourist you should know about It is an important community resource that provides "hospitality for touring cyclists" in the U.S. and abroad. It is comprised of hosts who provide some type of accommodation (tenting on the front lawn, to private bedroom in their home), which includes a warm shower.

Their website has videos and FAQs to explain the details and I encourage you to look into WarmShowers if you think you will be touring, and also if you don't. It just might whet your appetite for adventure, travel, sharing, and learning about interesting people you would otherwise never meet.

Just to pique your interest, start right here:

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Getting Involved

What is a bicycle community to you? Are you involved on some level? Do you give or take?

I do not ask these questions to spark debate, I'm not a person who enjoys arguments. Rather, I want to inspire thought, insight, discussion and possibly action. I am also not an activist person. I don't go to marches or rallies, I don't like shouting and taunting. I believe the personal is political, and to me that means: vote your beliefs, support organizations you believe in, and go to events that appeal to you. Spread the word, offer advise and encouragement to others.

I love the diversity of bicycles. The bikes themselves cover a wide spectrum and so do the riders. I find people to be endlessly interesting. The reasons they ride, how, where and what they choose to ride are all part of their bikeyness.

In my community the bike is on the rise. I see way more people riding these days, far more bike shops around, and a growing bike infrastructure. This combination does not occur in a vacuum. I feel momentum building and I hope it is spreading. I want to be a part of a movement I believe in. I don't want to just watch it happen around me. I will continue to get involved and participate in ways that make sense to me. I hope you do too.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tour de Fat

I went to my first Tour de Fat yesterday. It was incredibly fun. If you don't know what I'm talking about you should find out. It is somewhat of a bike festival/carnival put on by New Belgium Brewery. The official website is here. But I think it has to be experienced to understand, in fact, I'm not sure I "understand" it. But I sure liked it!

I see the Tour de Fat as: a fundraising event for local bike organizations, an opportunity for people to expand their idea of what "bicycle" means, a beer festival, a way to expand one's idea of companies that give back, and most of all, a lot of fun.

I decided to volunteer and be a part of fundraising for the San Diego Bicycle Coalition. I poured beer for a few hours. It was an easy way to contribute, have fun, and get some free and fabulous beer.

One of the things I'd like to do for myself is to become more involved in my local bike community. I picked a great way to get started.

According to this website New Belgium sponsors another form of bike/beer hilarity in the form of Urban Assault Rides. This looks like more good times. It does not come to my town, but looks worthy of a road trip...